How to Organize Your Closet Like a Professional

Here is a guide for getting your closet organized!

Patty Powers BSN, RN

12/10/20243 min read

Closet organizer, Littleton Colorado
Closet organizer, Littleton Colorado

How to Organize Your Closet Like a Professional!

Are you tired of not being able to find what you want to wear every day and ready to look in your closet and get energized? If this is the case, here is the article for you!

Begin with the goal in mind.

Is your goal to just neatly arrange all of your clothing or do you want a massive overhaul? In my professional opinion, it is highly recommended to edit your closet before you organize it. Yes, that means getting rid of items that do not fit anymore and don’t look good on you! Have a good friend help you do this! It will be much more fun than doing it on your own. go through your closet piece by piece and decide if it is an essential piece of your wardrobe or not.

If you have a hard time letting go of things, have your friend or family member hold each piece up as you decide if you love it or are ready to donate it. Touching items triggers memories and feelings so sometimes it’s better not to touch everything as you’re trying to clear out your closet.

Figure out donations.

There are many options for clothing donation, including Dress for Success and other shelters where donations really help people in need. It is definitely OK to let go of clothing and give it to someone else who needs it more. You are allowed to recycle your wardrobe in a way that best suits you (pun intended!).

Also, make sure you go through your dresser and every drawer or closet that has clothing in your house. That way you’re really starting fresh and editing clothing everywhere.

Admire your empty space.

After you are done decluttering and donating your clothing, you should have what you want to keep on your bed and the closet should be an empty space! Decide what you want to hang up and what you want in drawers. Are you a folder or do you like just hanging things as you get them out of the laundry? I do recommend Marie Kondo’s folding method for clothes in drawers:) It's basically folding things in thirds and arranging them in a way you can see everything.

Arrange by zones.

Decide what zones you would like your clothes in. I recommend grouping short sleeve shirts together, long sleeve shirts together, shorts and long pants pants, etc…Once you realize what zones you want, you can also arrange what goes on shelves accordingly. I recommend placing these items on high shelves: handbags together, suitcases together and blankets or bedding together then label all of these zones if this will help you stay organized.

Once you have placed everything in the proper zones, if you really want to get crazy, you can organize them by color! I feel like just having these different clothing items together help me stay organized, but I personally don’t feel the need to organize by color of the rainbow. If you do choose to organize by color, it can be a very rewarding look, but it depends how much time you want to put into this project. I personally just keep my T-shirts, organized by color and everything else grouped into the particular types of clothing.

Once you finished, you can make sure you put your shoes on the floor or on shelves if you have the laundry to have shoe shelving in your closet! Again, make sure you group dress shoes together, tennis shoes, boots, sandals and so on!

Admire you success!

Once you’re done, admire your success and congratulate yourself! Well done! Doesn’t it Look awesome? 👏 Woo Hoo! Keep up the good work!

Closet organization by Order and More LLC
Closet organization by Order and More LLC
Organized Closet
Organized Closet
Closet organizer, closet decluttering
Closet organizer, closet decluttering
Donations from Editing and decluttering
Donations from Editing and decluttering